BEE Carbon Conscious VIC



Are you a Victorian resident or business?

The VEU Program (Victorian Energy Upgrades) is a sustainable initiative delivered by the Victorian Government that provides free energy-efficient products to residential and commercial properties. At BEE Carbon Conscious, we help you access these products by performing an energy assessment and arranging your installation with our partners, who are all Accredited Providers from the VEU.

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Who are we?

At BEE Carbon Conscious, it is our mission to help Australian households and businesses reduce their carbon footprint and energy bills with upgraded energy-efficient products, subsidised by the government and installed by an Accredited Provider.


Our Victorian partners





Tenant Disclaimer:

Tenants are legally permitted to take part in the program without requiring permission from their landlord or agent. All products are non-invasive and rental-friendly.

Which products are FREE?


In-home Energy Advisor

  • Monitor energy consumption and stop bill surprises

  • Receive notifications when electricity is being wasted

  • Connect multiple devices to the Emerald EMS app

  • 12-month warranty


Water-efficient shower heads

  • 4 Star Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) rated product

  • Economical water flow of 7.5 litres per minute

  • High pressure output using new air rating technology

  • 5 spray setting technology

  • 2-year warranty


Energy-efficient aircon

  • Save up to 70% on energy consumption and bills


Chimney seals

  • Prevents draughts

  • Improves household insulation

  • Easily installed and removed


Weather seals for external doors

  • Lower door and door frame seals available

  • Prevents draughts

  • Improves household insulation

  • Eliminates rattles


Exhaust fan seals

  • Blocks unwanted airflow between the ceiling space and your home through exhaust fans when they are switched off

  • Simple one-way vents allow normal air flow when the fan is on


LED Lights

  • Installed by local electricians

  • Brighter than most existing globes

  • Emits 65% less heat

  • Does not contain mercury or harmful gases

Frequently asked questions:

  • There is no catch. Large energy retailers such as AGL and Origin are required to reduce their carbon footprint to meet the annual energy targets set under VIC/NSW legislation. They do this by acquiring Energy Saving Certificates (ESC). We create these ESCs by replacing inefficient lighting with LEDs, then sell them directly to the energy retailers for surrender. These ESCs cover the costs of all the products we install.

  • The Victorian and NSW Government has introduced the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) and NSW Energy Savings (ESS) Programs to reduce greenhouse gases and lower electricity bills. Each government sets legislation that obligates large energy retailers to offset their carbon emissions by purchasing the Energy Saving Certificates (ESC) generated by your energy-efficiency upgrades.

    For more information on the programs you can visit:



  • Yes, all products come with a two-year warranty and will be replaced or repaired for free if necessary.

  • You can speak to an Energy Efficiency Consultant at: (03) 9917 8541

Get in touch

One of our friendly team members will be in contact to arrange your installation.

Join over 35,000 renters, homeowners and business owners who have made the switch to energy-saving products through the VEU Program.

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